

By Morris Panych

Directed by Stephen DiMenna

DR2 Theatre New York

Produced by Daryl Roth

Angelo Fraboni and The Watchfull Group


Malcolm Gets and

Helen Stenborg

Scenery by Andromache Chalfant

Lights by Ed McCarthy

Original Music and Sound by Greg Pliska

Costumes by Ilona Somogyi

Stage Manager Angela Allen



"Acerbically funny and sneakily affecting, VIGIL

is a jagged jewel of a play"

"Stephen DiMenna directs with unforced, excellent pacing.   A minor comic masterpiece"




" An outrageously comic and heartfelt abusrdist comedy.

DiMenna directs with contrasts between

poignancy and macabre humor."

" A rollicking journey that must be seen to

be believed.





" A tart and tasty production...hillarious, quirky and heartfelt.
Panych's wickedly dark script and
Stephen DiMenna's deft helming....bring about an audience stunner
that gets one of the biggest sustained laughs in memory.




















"Morris Panych has written a funny play that makes you want to cry. Under Stephen DiMenna's shrewd helming Malcolm Gets and Helen Stenborg turn in sterling performances."

" Comic on the surface, heartbreaking at the has you in stitches crying"




" A Gem! VIGIL is a happy mix of genres. A confection

of life, death and laughter."

" A delcicious surprise...a rewarding, eloquent and

satisfying production. "

Stephen DiMenna makes it more than just a funhouse farce.

It's a small gem"

- The New York Times


"Wise, funny and beautifully written.

Malcolm Gets gives a wonderfully energetic and hilarious performance.

Helen Stenborg communicates expertly in a Chaplenesque style"

- The New Yorker

"A deliciouosly mischievious dark comedy!

Malcolm Gets' acting touches on comic nirvana"

- TIME OUT New York




"We laugh spontaneously at the absurdity, but when

we catch out breath, we are deeply moved."
