"Morris Panych has written a funny play that makes you want to cry. Under Stephen DiMenna's shrewd helming Malcolm Gets and Helen Stenborg turn in sterling performances."
" Comic on the surface, heartbreaking at the core...it has you in stitches crying"
" A Gem! VIGIL is a happy mix of genres. A confection
of life, death and laughter."
" A delcicious surprise...a rewarding, eloquent and
satisfying production. "
Stephen DiMenna makes it more than just a funhouse farce.
It's a small gem"
- The New York Times
"Wise, funny and beautifully written.
Malcolm Gets gives a wonderfully energetic and hilarious performance.
Helen Stenborg communicates expertly in a Chaplenesque style"
- The New Yorker
"A deliciouosly mischievious dark comedy!
Malcolm Gets' acting touches on comic nirvana"
- TIME OUT New York
"We laugh spontaneously at the absurdity, but when
we catch out breath, we are deeply moved."
- BroadwayWorld.com