"Fasten your seat belts and hold tight. "Jesus Hopped the 'A' Train"
is a rocking, riveting ride directed by Stephen DiMenna, that leaves
the audience teetering on the edge of fear before dropping them over
the precipice. It explodes onto the stage of the Pillsbury House Theatre
and delivers a fiery urgency"
" DiMenna takes you over the edge of the abyss, then flips you over"
- Rohan Preston, Minneapolis StarTribune

"A powerfully performed staging. Director Stephen DiMenna
keeps his foot on the pedal throughout the evening illiciting masterful
performances making one wish for seat belts in the Pillsbury House Theatre. An energizing and provocative production."
- Dominic Papatola, St. Paul Pioneer Press
"Stephen DiMenna's production is stunning, powerful, riveting and
teaming with verisimilitude. Visceral and very real."
- Dylan Hicks, City Pages
"Stephen DiMenna found the scary, wounded heart of
"Jesus Hopped the 'A' Train" in a powerful production "
- Rohan Preston, Minneapolis StarTribune

- Minneapolis StarTribune
- Dylan Hicks, City Pages
-Dominic Papatola, St. Paul Pioneer Press
"DiMenna takes you to the edge of the abyss, then flicks you over"
- Rohan Preston, Minneaplis StarTrib